
"A few weeks ago, a good friend of mine sent me his workout program and wanted my opinion on its design. When I reviewed the program I saw a bodybuilding routine geared towards building muscle mass. He told me that in addition to the weights, he was also doing cardio to help his fat loss, which is his main goal. We agreed to have lunch to discuss his routine and discuss body composition training. During lunch, he made an interesting comment, even though he had to do a little research on the net and grab from programs here and there, his program had been pretty easy to design. I have to be honest, the program itself wasn’t wrong. But as our conversation went on, I found out that it wasn’t addressing the issues that we were talking about. In addition to weight loss, he wanted to increase his biceps strength (a lacking bodypart). When I asked him how he had addressed this issue in his routine, the answer was that he didn’t know how. Also, many important variables had been overlooked in his routine. By the end of our conversation he had realized that program design was very complex.
3 SIMPLE WAYS TO BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM The H1N1 flu is the hottest health topic at the moment. You may or may not want to get the vaccine. However, regardless on your position on the vaccine, here are 3 simple ways to boost your immunce system naturally.

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