Fitness for 50 Plus

Why Weight Training?

Weight training is scientifically proven to help you improve your quality of life, keep your body and mind vibrant and counteract the negative aspects of aging. However, getting started can be confusing and intimidating, especially with all the conflicting information we hear on the news or read in the paper.

In addition, you have a busy schedule, obligations, responsibilities. You have commitments to your family and your grandchildren, not to mention your travel plans. At the same time, you want more energy to enjoy your retirement, your relationships, your free time.

Let’s not mention those annoying aches that come and go, the stiffness that wasn’t there before. You want those aches to go away. How about that favourite dress or those pants you liked so much that just don’t fit anymore? You want to fit in your clothes and feel sexy.

You need a solution that makes you feel confident, that brings back control. You’re looking for a program that is flexible, tailored to your needs and lifestyle.

You want to feel stronger.

You want to feel good in your body.

You want your body to keep up with your mind.

You want results!

You need a solution laid out for you that gives you support, guidance and accountability along the way. You need a coach that cares, a program that works.

Why Corefit?

Coach Guy and his team at Corefit are here to help. We take the time to understand YOU and what you want. We have been working with 50-plus clients for over a decade.

We know how to get you started on a program even if you have no training experience.

We believe in a slow and steady approach, where consistency is the road to success.

We help you make a lifestyle change - one that makes you stronger, healthier and able to do more.

Taking The First Step Is Easier Than You Think

Call or email us to book your free consultation. Coach Guy will meet with you at Corefit’s studio or at your home and will take the time to understand your needs, goals and health history.

From there, we will discuss different strategies. These can include personal training sessions, nutrition plans and home workouts. Our programs are tailored to your needs: from a few weeks to kickstart your health journey to ongoing support to assist you every step of the way.

Curious about weight training and
making lasting health changes?

Top 5 Reasons To Exercise As We Age

1. Older adults who strength train 2x per week have 41% lower odds of cardiac death and 19% lower odds of dying from cancer.


2. It fortifies your bones. Osteoporosis afflicts 20 million women and 2 million men in the U.S. More women die from hip fractures than from breast cancer. Women reach peak bone mass around 30, after that they lose 1% a year until menopause, when the pace doubles. By age 60, about 30% of a woman’s bone mass has disappeared. Unless you take calcium and vitamin D and do some form of exercise or strength training (walking doesn’t quite do the job).


3. It fosters neuroplasticity. The best way to guard against neurodegenerative diseases is to build a strong brain. Aerobic exercise accomplishes this by strengthening connections between your brain cells, creating more synapses to expand the web of connections and spurring newly born stem cells to divide and become functional neutrons in the hippocampus. Contracting your muscles releases factors such as VEGF, FGF-2 and IGF-1 that make their way from the body into the brain and aid in the process.


4. Stress and age depress the immune response, and exercise strengthens it directly in 2 important ways. First, even moderate activity levels rally the immune system’s antibodies and lymphocytes. Second, part of the immune system’s job is to activate cells that fix damaged tissue. The most consistent risk factor for cancer is lack of activity. Those who are physically active, for instance, have a 50% lower chance of developing colon cancer.


5. It elevates your stress threshold. Exercise combats the corrosive effects of too much cortisol, a product of chronic stress that can bring on depression and dementia.

Hear what our clients are saying

Kurt, 50+ client since 2017
I’m a 50 year old that went to Guy seeking help with flexibility and strength.  Guy created a weekly regiment suited to my age and capabilities and his attention to detail made it clear fast that he is a skilled trainer.  I’ve been working with personal trainers for more than a decade and Guy is the most qualified and professional expert I have been involved with.  His passion for fitness, the way he takes care of his own body and his care for his clients makes him a pleasure to work with.

Linda, 70+ client since 2011:
This has been a huge benefit for me… and it’s fun!

Nadia, 70+ client since 2012:
I like the challenge, a challenge I could never achieve on my own.

Ted, 70+ client since 2016:
I was sick and tired of not feeling fit. I spent most of my day at the computer or driving, I was sitting all day. Working with Corefit gave me the motivation I needed. The push that Guy gives me gets me going. I got up to 75 pounds on my deadlift, everybody in my family was very impressed with that. I thought that was cool.

Irene, 60+ client since 2012:
Guy makes sure you lift the weights with proper technique and he keeps pushing you and makes you exceed what you thought you could do. I’m stronger, I have more energy and I generally feel better since I’ve been training at Corefit.

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